Tag Archives: chlorine

The Importance of Professional Pool & Hot Tub Water Testing

The Importance of Professional Pool & Hot Tub Water Testing

Why do the majority of our customers come in regularly to our store for water tests?


  • Because we are experts at what we do. And our customers take advantage of our expertise.
  • Because we SAVE them money by providing chemicals they actually need. We do not sell opening kits for this reason. Why pay for chemicals you don’t require?
  • Because they want a great year using their pool or hot tub. They don’t want to play around with their chemicals. They want it right the first time.

We research the best and safest pool and hot tub water treatments all year round. We are constantly re-educating ourselves so we can provide you with such expert care. When pool or hot tub customers are struggling in our region- they usually come to us- knowing that we will troubleshoot with them and come up with the perfect solution for their water.

We will write out a chemical prescription perfectly tailored to your pool or hot tub. You’ll know what to add right down to the gram or milliliter. How simple is that?

Come find out why our customers have comfortable, safe and Sparkling pools/hot tubs when they have their water tested by us.

Our chemicals are highly concentrated- not full of ‘filler’ like cheaper brands.

Why do I bother to mention this?

I am reminded of a specific customer with a large in ground pool. He had an algae problem and instead of coming to us he purchased cheap, 10% or 15% algaecide from a big box store. When he read the back of the bottle to see how much to add- it recommended that for his large pool he had gallons and gallons of this cheap stuff.

This created a problem.

The customer brought a water sample in to me the following Monday. As I poured the sample into our testing station it bubbled up like a slimy bubble bath! Apparently this cheap algaecide solution created a bubbly slime all over the surface of the pool. This was probably caused by the large amount of filler in the product. This slime lessened and lessened but did stay for the rest of the season. As you can imagine- he never went with the cheaper product again.

All we want is for our customers to be happy.

Our whole business is built around providing an amazing recreational experience for our customers. We don’t just build your backyard resort- we help you maintain it for years to come.
This is what we do- and we’re great at it.

I heard it through the grapevine. 5 Common Misconceptions about Hot tub/Pool Chemicals

Here at SPAS we’ve heard it all.

It is amazing how rumours can turn to facts when it comes to pool and hot tub maintenance. The Internet doesn’t help either. It is hard to get water chemistry advice from someone who doesn’t live near you. Water can be so different depending on the source!

Here are a few of our favourite misconceptions.

  1. “I’m allergic to chlorine and I don’t want to use chemicals. So someone told me I should get a salt chlorinator for my pool”

Salt Chlorination

We hear this misconception all year-long! Such a common one. And yes, it is very wrong. A Salt chlorinator (also called a salt generator or chlorine generator) produces… chlorine. As the salinated water passes through the generator is creates a natural form of chlorine gas.

This is what sanitizes the pool. All it does is replace your chlorine pucks or liquid chlorine and sometimes shocking. So you do still require your balancing chemicals! Despite this- do love salt generators and keep them in stock.

  1. “Lakes are safe to swim in and they don’t have chlorine/bromine in them. So why do I need sanitizer in my hot tub?”Legionella Bacteria

If you were to take lake water which is filled with organic matter, heat it to about 102 degrees Fahrenheit leave it there for a couple of weeks. Don’t add anymore fresh water and you’ll be shocked at what you see. I am quite sure you wouldn’t be interested in soaking in it.

Our lakes generally stay quite cool. They are replenished by rain water and streams etc. They also have natural cleansers like bogs to help take care of their water. But still in the heat of the summer when the water levels drop our lakes close as bacteria levels rise.

Your hot tub water may come from the tap. But add in some uric acid from sweat, dead skin cells and other beauty products. Without sanitizer is just isn’t safe. Even health Canada recommends that Hot tubs maintain a sanitizer level between 3-5ppm. SOURCE

  1. “What do you mean there isn’t any active chlorine in my pool? Your test must be wrong because I can smell it so strongly and it stings my eyes.”‘

Typically, in your pool active chlorine doesn’t have much of a smell. Your pool probably had too little chlorine. Urine, sweat and decomposing organic mater produces ammonia compounds of chlorine- which are called chloramines.
These chloramines are what cause eye and skin irritation as well as stinging eyes. You have to regularly shock your pool and ensure you have the right amoGreenish blonde hair swatchunt of free chlorine in the future. Make sure you test your pool regularly to maintain proper levels.

  1. “My hair turned green from too much chlorine!”

Sorry, wrong again! The green colouring that can happen to blonde hair comes from copper in the water. It is actually a chemical reaction from the copper in the pool water precipitating as a green salt when mixed with a high pH shampoo. Ah the joys of science.
But where does the copper come from? It could be preexisting from well water. It can also come from harsh copper filled algacides and/or pipes, heaters, impellers that have aggressive water passing through. If you have a copper issue you can get products to deal with it. Or you can make sure to rinse your hair out well before it dries next time!

  1. “Hot tub water is normally super foamy. That’s just the jets working well”

No, not reaFoaming hot tub waterlly. Your hot tub water should be clear. It can certainly have bubbles. But when you turn off the jets the bubbles will disappear within 30-90 seconds. If they don’t- then you have a foam issue. This usually means that one of your levels is out of whack. It is time to test the water! Remember hot tub water needs to be tested very frequently. Wearing a lot of products when you go in to the hot tub doesn’t help either. Moisturizers, deodorant and other products can cause foaming.

Disclaimer: This is meant to be a fun guide on hot tub/pool chemicals. Please regularly test your water and consult with your local pool professional regarding hot tub and pool maintenance.